Our Story.....
We are a growing and thriving community church in the heart of Ireland. Cornerstone Slieve Bloom church is aligned and working closely with the Cornerstone Global Network of Churches. The church is led by Pastor's Gavin and Wendy von Mollendorff. Gavin and Wendy are from South Africa and have been living and working in Ireland since 2003. They have five children, Reuben, Joel, Rebecca, James and Andrew and live in the Tullamore area. Both Gavin and Wendy have a heart to see the Lord touch Ireland in a new and fresh way. May the Lord bless you as you worship with us and may He show you more of Himself as you hear His word.
Cornerstone Slieve Bloom church is part of a bigger family of churches. The Cornerstone Global Network consists of 150 churches, as well as a number of Bible schools, primary schools and orphanages worldwide. A large base, close to the church in Tullamore is the Bible College of Wales in Swansea.